Ratepayers furious at SCE&G: “an electric bill almost as much as your mortgage”

Blog · September 26, 2018

The mood in the room was tense but orderly as SCE&G ratepayers from around Columbia waited their turn to testify before the South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC), the body legally charged with regulating South Carolina’s monopoly investor-owned utilities. Recurring calls for justice, accountability and energy competition emerged as seniors, business owners and activists testified

Santee Cooper execs appear before state commission

Blog · August 31, 2018

Last week, Santee Cooper finally got their day in court. Interim President & CEO James (Jim) Brogdon, Jr. along with General Counsel Mike Baxley, CFO Jeff Armfield and Senior Vice President for Corporate Services Pamela Williams appeared before the General Assembly’s Public Service Authority Evaluation & Recommendation Commission to update the legislature on the state of their agency and to be cross-examined by a panel that included the Governor himself.

Can you ace the Santee Cooper Quiz?

Blog · June 1, 2018

When the SCANA/Santee Cooper project to expand the V.C. Summer nuclear station whimpered to an end last summer, it left a $9 billion hole in the ground. But there’s a larger crater. That’s the huge gap in knowledge among Palmetto State citizens about Santee Cooper. To fill this knowledge gap, Palmetto Promise Institute developed “The

Breaking: Santee Cooper econometric analysis coming next week

Blog · March 13, 2018

On Tuesday, March 20, Palmetto Promise Institute will present its analysis of the current state and future prospects for Santee Cooper, the state-owned utility known officially as The South Carolina Public Service Authority. Palmetto Promise scholars and a specially-empaneled team of research economists will present its report “Santee Cooper’s Uncertain Future: A Historical, Policy and

The SCANA Energy Paradox

Blog · September 22, 2017

Most of the population of The Peach State has multiple choices for both natural gas and electricity. So why don't South Carolina residents also have multiple choices for power?

The Santee Cooper Prophesy

Blog · August 25, 2017

"It does not make either economic or political sense to continue with a regime that in the long term would benefit virtually no one.” That 22-year old prediction about Santee Cooper rings all too true as ratepayers pony up for the V.C. Summer nuclear debacle.