Governor McMaster Ceremonial CON Repeal Signing

Blog · October 11, 2023

Last week in the Statehouse, Governor Henry McMaster held a ceremonial bill signing for the legislation repealing South Carolina’s Certificate of Need (CON) statute. Palmetto Promise Institute President Wendy Damron and PPI Senior Fellow Dr. Oran Smith (far left of the photo above) were on hand for the occasion. In his remarks, Governor McMaster was

What Can Other States Learn From South Carolina’s Successful CON Law Repeal?

Blog · September 19, 2023

Aubrey Wursten writes for the Independent Women’s Forum about South Carolina’s Certificate of Need (CON) repeal and cites Palmetto Promise Institute research on the topic. In 1987, the federal government repealed the certificate of need (CON) mandate it had enacted 13 years before. During those 13 years, any state wishing to receive subsidies, such as

The Beach Boom and Healthcare

Blog · August 22, 2023

According to a new study by U.S. News and World Report, the fastest-growing metro area in the United States is…Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This is no real surprise, because when the South Carolina General Assembly was debating the future of the Certificate of Need (CON) program, we highlighted Horry County (oh-ree) as an example of

Litigating for Liberty!

Blog · July 24, 2023

Some of the most significant conservative policy victories of recent years had a litigation element. By that I mean a legal case made its way to the Supreme Court and the side of freedom won. In the Janus case (2018), the court ruled that public employees cannot be forced to pay agency fees to a

Palmetto Promise Nominated for National Award!

Blog · July 14, 2023

Palmetto Promise Institute is one of three nominees that made the cut for the State Policy Network‘s “Biggest Win for Freedom Award.” The winner will be announced at SPN’s Annual Meeting in Chicago next month.  About the Awards… State Policy Network’s Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievement recognize state think tanks doing exceptional work

FORBES: South Carolina’s Certificate Of Need Repeal is The Largest in Almost Three Decades

Blog · June 21, 2023

This piece originally appeared in Forbes, and was co-authored by Josh Archambault and Oran Smith, Ph.D. Senior Fellow at Palmetto Promise Institute. Long-time talk show host Joey Hudson had to wait an excruciating three weeks for a hernia operation in South Carolina. To add insult to injury, his friend in Florida who had the same

Goodbye Incrementalism?

Blog · May 12, 2023

The photo you see adjacent to this post is of a group of true believers who assembled on January 21, 2020 on the first floor of the Statehouse to call for a total repeal of the state Certificate of Need program. Earlier this week, Senator Tom Davis referred to this event humorously as “a few

What will CON repeal mean for you?

Blog · May 8, 2023

This week, South Carolina residents have reason to celebrate as the state has repealed Certificate of Need (CON) laws. While most people may not be familiar with the term, the effects of these laws are felt every day. CON laws were introduced in the 1960s as a misguided way to control healthcare costs by limiting