Inequality & the Minimum Wage
We understand Americans earning minimum wage could use a raise, but a blanket increase is unsustainable.
We understand Americans earning minimum wage could use a raise, but a blanket increase is unsustainable.
Both conservatives and liberals desire a productive economy, but only free-market principles can build a solid foundation for human flourishing.
That’s right! According to a new Heritage Foundation study, the amount of money in new regulatory costs last year equals the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Ten months following the implementation of Seattle’s minimum wage increase, how is the city doing?
Common sense – not to mention tight budgets – shout for penal code reform. Our legislature should take the time and effort to fix our woefully out-of-date penal code.
Economics is a logical science. Economists use mathematics, graphs, and plain logic to map out consequences of policies. Sounds simple, right? Is anything as simple as it sounds?
Ah, Labor Day. The punchline of so many unfunny jokes. We won’t attempt to humor you with any jokes, but we would like to briefly discuss a topic that'll make you smile...
Great golf, gorgeous beaches, spicy shrimp and grits, and tea so sweet it’ll knock you into next Tuesday: welcome to South Carolina!
Trade matters. The dizzying array of countries that fill in the blank on the “Made in ______” tags attached to everything we buy proves that. This is currently a hotly debated issue in Congress, and we all ought to care deeply what they decide: because it will affect us all as consumers.
“Inflation everywhere is a monetary phenomenon,” said Milton Friedman, in his famous 1970 essay titled, The Counter-Revolution in Monetary Theory. What he meant is actually quite simple. Inflation (an overall increase in the price levels of an economy) only occurs when the amount of currency printed by the Federal Reserve exceeds the amount of goods being produced.