FORBES: South Carolina’s Certificate Of Need Repeal is The Largest in Almost Three Decades

Blog · June 21, 2023

This piece originally appeared in Forbes, and was co-authored by Josh Archambault and Oran Smith, Ph.D. Senior Fellow at Palmetto Promise Institute. Long-time talk show host Joey Hudson had to wait an excruciating three weeks for a hernia operation in South Carolina. To add insult to injury, his friend in Florida who had the same

What will CON repeal mean for you?

Blog · May 8, 2023

This week, South Carolina residents have reason to celebrate as the state has repealed Certificate of Need (CON) laws. While most people may not be familiar with the term, the effects of these laws are felt every day. CON laws were introduced in the 1960s as a misguided way to control healthcare costs by limiting