Aren’t independent schools FULL and EXPENSIVE?

January 6, 2024
Interior of abandoned building

The South Carolina ESA is worth $6,000 per year for tuition and books with up to $750 in additional funds for transportation. Isn’t that woefully inadequate? Isn’t private (independent) school tuition north of $20,000? What about available seats? Aren’t most private schools running at capacity? EdChoice conducted a survey of South Carolina private schools in 2018 to get at some of these questions.  Here

What type of expenses are eligible?

January 6, 2024
Man carrying a baby

• Tuition and fees of an education service provider • Textbooks, curriculum, or other instructional materials including, but not limited to, any supplemental materials or associated online instruction required by either a curriculum or an education service provider • Tutoring services approved by the Department of Education • Computer hardware or other technological devices that are used primarily

What is an ESA?

January 4, 2024
People wearing backpacks

ABOUT THE NEW SOUTH CAROLINA ESA’S < Back                                                             Recent Posts Every child deserves the opportunity to receive an education that prepares her or him to

How do ESAs work?

January 4, 2024
Focused students using laptop

• Parents of eligible students apply for an account funded by a designated portion of general fund state funds. • Education service providers apply to be included in the group of providers where funds from the ESA may be used. • Following the application and approval process, parents would be granted access to a special