Educating the “Children No One Wants”

Last November, we were honored to feature Kevin Chavous, a leading voice for giving every child a chance and a choice, at our annual VisionSC policy summit. While he was here in SC he learned about the great work happening at Legacy Charter and highlighted them this week in a national piece on the transformational power of school choice.
“Fortunately, around the country, there are a number of schools who take pride in educating the kids that nobody wants. Schools like the Hope Academy Charter School in Kansas City, Maya Angelou Charter School in D.C. and the Legacy Charter School in Greenville, S.C. Each of these schools, and several others like them, make it their mission to value all of the kids they serve and they refuse to write kids off based on their background, home life or previous school experience….
At some point, our education elite will wake up to the fact that one size does not fit all. And that having a menu of education offerings available to educate kids with different needs helps not just those kids, but all kids.“
Check out the full article, and share it to help us make the voices of parents and students across our state heard.
Kevin P. Chavous is a noted attorney, author, and national school reform leader. He currently heads The Chavous Group, an education consulting firm, and is a founding board member and Executive Counsel to the American Federation for Children. He also presides as board chair for Democrats for Education Reform and is a former board chair for the Black Alliance for Educational Options.