Lawsuits are Killing the Golden Goose in South Carolina – NEW REPORT

Quality of Life
February 6, 2025

Palmetto Promise Team

The lawsuit industry in South Carolina is out of control. Drive down any highway in our state, and you’ll see it lined with billboards for trial lawyers. The sheer quantity are a clear sign that something in our state is sorely wrong.
Businesses with as little as 1% of fault are paying 100% of the damages in civil suits. And every South Carolina household is paying an extra $3,181 every year in a “lawsuit tax” thanks to this racket.
It’s a shakedown, or as we’ve entitled it in our new research report, a Sandlapper Shakedown.
Lawsuit reform (aka tort reform) is the hottest issue in the Statehouse this year, and at Palmetto Promise, we have the answers. Read our new research report below.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: While this report is a team product, we want to especially acknowledge our summer 2024 Junior Policy Scholar Joy Davis, who contributed to the initial phases of this report.