Tag Archive: let my people work

Let My People Work!

Quality of Life
Blog · March 26, 2024

Back in 2020, Palmetto Promise Institute published the Palmetto Playbook, a football-themed policy manual designed to “move South Carolina’s economy down the field” after the pandemic. We were in COVID lockdown, so we had plenty of time to draw on scores of policy recommendations and state rankings from across the nation. Very quickly, we were

SC should allow hair stylists to bring their services to clients’ homes

Quality of Life
Blog · April 27, 2020

While there are many suffering significant loss in the COVID fall-out, one of the most apparent personal inconveniences during business closures has been the lack of available barbers and hair dressers. Protests across the United States last week, while aimed at concerns about the need for a larger economic restart, revealed that Americans were also