A Mandate To Lead

Adam Crain
Donald Trump’s rise to the Presidency is surely one of the great political upsets of the modern era. As he transitions to governing, many people will be watching closely to see if he can deliver on promised reforms while assuaging the fears of those concerned by his brash approach and unguarded rhetoric.
Despite the media’s best efforts though, the rise of Donald Trump is not the only big story of the 2016 election. Come 2017, the states could be facing unprecedented opportunity.
According to the Wall Street Journal’s article, The Spoils of the Republican State Conquest, Republicans now control the governorships and both legislative chambers in 25 states. In 2009 that was 10 states.
But we know from hard experience that Republican control doesn’t guarantee free-market good government. Thankfully, however there are now over 65 organizations that are champions of human freedom – like Palmetto Promise – across the country. The Wall Street Journal explains:
“Anyone wondering whether an advantage in the states truly matters should look at this year’s Electoral College map. In Wisconsin, union membership is down 133,000 since 2010, the year before Gov. Scott Walker’s Act 10 overhaul passed. Donald Trump’s margin of victory there? Less than 30,000. In Michigan, public-union membership is down 34,000 since 2012, the year before Gov. Rick Snyder’s right-to-work law kicked in. Mr. Trump’s margin? Only 11,000.”[i]
Each day these groups work in the interest of the people by producing high-quality research to synthesize best practices from around the country on better ways to deliver healthcare at a lower cost, fix pension systems, stand up for the rights of workers, protect taxpayers, balance budgets, create education systems and care for the poor.
As Senator Shane Massey, Majority Leader of the South Carolina Senate, recently said:
“It’s important we show the people we are capable of governing and solving the problems we face…Palmetto Promise has been a great resource to us and can be a great help going forward. You know, we don’t have a lot of research and folks helping us out who are really focused on trying to find market-based solutions to our biggest challenges. So having that type of help is huge for us.”
We see big changes coming in Washington. But will South Carolina be ready to carry the torch for freedom? You can bet that while the legislature works, we will be in Columbia providing ideas and building coalition to advance the market-based reforms that are so badly needed for the Palmetto State to grow and flourish.
[i] Kyle Peterson, Wall Street Journal, The Spoils of the Republican State Conquest, http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-spoils-of-the-republican-state-conquest-1481326770