Read to Succeed Must Cross the Legislative Finish Line

Blog · May 29, 2014

The ability to read is a primary gateway to success in school and life-long learning. A child who does not master this fundamental skill faces daunting odds. Consider these sobering statistics from the Annie E. Casey Foundation: Children who are not reading proficiently in 3rd grade are 4 times more likely to not graduate high school. Below basic readers are almost 6 times more likely than proficient readers to not finish high school on time. Poor, Black, and Hispanic students who are struggling readers are about 8 times more likely than proficient readers to drop out of high school.

Common Core: What’s Next

Blog · March 20, 2014

Common Core is just the first step down a long road of government control and intervention. Though Common Core promises to be a one size fits all fix for America's education system, in reality it is a bureaucratic nightmare that would only further undermine American education.

School Choice Unites & Empowers

Blog · February 2, 2014

This OpEd  appeared in The Greenville News on February 2, 2014. Liberal Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and conservative Republican Senator Ted Cruz. Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton. What agenda could possibly unite these political odd couples? Support for the rapidly expanding world of education options. Each of these leaders is part of a bipartisan

The Power of Choice

Blog · January 30, 2014

“Not my son,” Marilyn calmly whispered as she listened to the local news regarding the deterioration of the neighborhood public schools. Though outwardly silent, she made a thunderous inner vow. Her son would acquire an education and break the cycle of housing projects, violence, broken homes, and hopelessness. It would end here.

Empowering Students: What They’re Saying

Blog · October 26, 2013

Yesterday was an exciting day as Palmetto Policy joined with partners from around the state to launch our new education options resource catalogue for SC parents!Empowering Students celebrates all forms of education choice in SC —charter, virtual, private and homeschool— and highlight real Palmetto State families that are happily using each of these options. We also provide an easy “one-stop-shop” of resource links for parents to learn more about each of these choices that we hope will be a help for families as they seek to make the best decision for their student! But we need your help. Please take a minute to enjoy these inspiring stories, and most importantly, help us SHARE it via email and social media with your friends and family.Empowering Students will only be as effective as the number of South Carolina parents who read it!

Education Alert: Universal Pre-K…Spending for Success?

Blog · May 17, 2013

In short, “No.” President Obama’s push for massive federal spending on a universal pre-kindergarten program generated heated opposition over cost, government overreach and the questionable effectiveness of existing programs like Head Start. But now this debate has landed on our front step. The South Carolina State Senate is scheduled to vote early next week on

Can Poor Kids Learn?

Blog · April 10, 2013

The answer, based on the evidence garnered from Florida’s transformative education reforms is a resounding “Yes!” Demographics are not destiny. No one would deny that there are critical factors of home life – parental education, family structure, poor nutrition and other variables that directly impact the educational readiness of children who enter school. But far

Empower Education Summit: The Path to Transforming SC’s Future

Blog · April 8, 2013

Education transformation is a topic we are incredibly passionate about. In fact, in 2012, The Palmetto Fort Foundation (the Forum’s precursor) and U.S. Senator Jim DeMint’s office teamed up to host the “Empower Education Reform Summit.” This event, which was keynoted by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, attracted elected, education, business and community leaders –