An “Exceptional” Visit to a Special School

Blog · March 20, 2015

This week, two students at Hidden Treasure Christian School received life-changing checks, thanks to South Carolina's new Exceptional Needs Tax Credit Scholarship. These scholarships will allow them to afford an education that meets their unique needs and equips them to reach their full God-given potential. It was an incredible experience to witness this joyful celebration!

Educating the “Children No One Wants”

Blog · March 20, 2015

This week Kevin Chavous, a leading voice for giving every child a chance and a choice, highlighted Greenville's own Legacy Charter School in a national oped, praising their mission to value all children and their refusal to write kids off based on their background, home life or previous school experience. Wonderful to see such a South Carolina success story in the news!

Testimony to the SC House Education & Public Works Committee

Blog · January 23, 2015

I come here personally today not as an academic policy expert but as someone who loves our home state of South Carolina and believes passionately that the path of opportunity both for our people and our state starts with bold, big picture thinking about how we put together key puzzle pieces for South Carolina’s future. We focus on the issues of energy, health care, tax & budget policy…and of course, righting the injustices of our education system, which is why I am here talking with you today.

Meet the Jackson Family

Blog · January 19, 2015

Jay Jackson liked his local public school and did well on his report cards. He even enrolled in some of the advanced classes that his school offered. However, Jay's parents, Randy and Janice, noticed something peculiar: They never saw Jay do any homework.