FORBES: South Carolina’s Certificate Of Need Repeal is The Largest in Almost Three Decades

Blog · June 21, 2023

This piece originally appeared in Forbes, and was co-authored by Josh Archambault and Oran Smith, Ph.D. Senior Fellow at Palmetto Promise Institute. Long-time talk show host Joey Hudson had to wait an excruciating three weeks for a hernia operation in South Carolina. To add insult to injury, his friend in Florida who had the same

Details of South Carolina’s New Education Scholarship Account Program (Act 8 of 2023)

Blog · May 30, 2023

After nearly eight years of hard work by Palmetto Promise Institute and many others, South Carolina has a brand new education freedom program on the way! Education Scholarship Trust Fund scholarships will be awarded beginning with the 2024-25 school year. Here are some of the key details: *The official name of the South Carolina program


Blog · May 1, 2023

Effect of House 3M Committee Amendment (S.164) In both 2022 and 2023, the South Carolina Senate under the leadership of Majority Leader Shane Massey, Medical Affairs Committee Chairman Danny Verdin, and Senators Wes Climer and Tom Davis sent the South Carolina House a bill fully repealing Certificate on Need (CON). Certificate of Need is the

Palmetto Promise Institute Internship Program

Blog · March 1, 2023

This program is designed to provide young individuals with the opportunity to learn about state policy development and to gain hands-on experience working on policy research, legislative analysis, and communications. Palmetto Promise Institute is located adjacent to the University of South Carolina and just blocks from the South Carolina statehouse, providing an ideal setting for

Would an Education Scholarship Account law be found constitutional in South Carolina?

Blog · February 9, 2023

With not one, but two education choice bills moving in South Carolina, it is time for some straight talk about the likelihood of education choice legislation being found unconstitutional if passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor McMaster. But in order to arrive at an answer to that fundamental question, we must first