
Conservative’s Best-Kept Secret

August 19, 2015


Join the Civitas Institute, the John Locke Foundation, and Palmetto Promise Institute for a special luncheon and Book signing featuring the President of the American Enterprise Institute – Arthur C. Brooks.

In addition to heading the American Enterprise Institute, Dr. Brooks is a prolific author and commentator.  He is one of the leading intellectual voices of the conservative movement, and is known for his expertise in turning pro-nanny-state arguments on their heads and winning debates with the ideas of free enterprise.

In his newest book, The Conservative Heart, Brooks contends that after years of focusing on economic growth and traditional social values, it is time for a new kind of conservatism—one that helps the vulnerable without mortgaging our children’s future. In Brooks’ daring vision, this conservative movement fights poverty, promotes equal opportunity, celebrates earned success, and values spiritual enlightenment. It is an inclusive movement with a positive agenda to help people lead happier, more hopeful, and more satisfied lives.

We are excited to host Arthur Brooks in Charlotte and look forward to seeing you there!
