Saving for College? How About Middle School Too?

Learn how this one small provision of the federal tax reform law gives SC parents and students huge new flexibility.
Learn how this one small provision of the federal tax reform law gives SC parents and students huge new flexibility.
Senator Thom Tillis: "North Carolina is proof positive that successfully enacting tax reform reaps tremendous rewards: more growth, more jobs, more businesses and more revenue."
Orangeburg 5 High School for Health Professions is beating the odds to create success for rural students in poverty. This week, Principal Angel Malone shared their secret for success with a Senate panel.
The road to more education choice for South Carolinians goes through downtown Washing…. Er... Columbia!
South Carolina's Legislature convenes for the first time in 2017 this Tuesday.
South Carolina families and parents around the country have reason to hope after the Nevada Supreme Court’s recent ruling.
For the Vissers, Education Savings Accounts have been the key to astounding success.
So, what's the main difference between the types of education choice?
The difference between funding systems and funding students is a matter of focus.
The long-term health of our state requires healthy classrooms today.