Tag Archive: Homeschooling

Homeschooling and Ignorance: Harvard professor faces swift backlash after calling for homeschooling ban

Blog · April 22, 2020

One thing you might not expect from Harvard Law School is ignorance. But that is exactly what we got in “The Risks of Homeschooling” published in the most recent Harvard magazine. All of the old 1980s (1970s?) home education tropes are trotted out: science-hating fundamentalism, lack of socialization, commonality of child abuse, and an unregulated curriculum.

Free resources for at-home learning during school closures

Blog · March 18, 2020

Learning from home, especially in this time of uncertainty, is a unexpected challenge for many families and teachers. But working together, we can keep our students safe, continue their education journey…and hopefully have some fun along the way! The resources provided on this page are meant to supplement – not replace – official instructions provided