Snapshot 2016

Adam Crain
2016 was an eventful year in the life of Palmetto Promise Institute!
The year began at the Township Auditorium in Columbia where we partnered with other education choice advocates to host nearly 3,000 excited supporters at the climax of National School Choice Week.
In February, Palmetto Promise Institute turned three and from there it was off to promote free-market ideas at the State House. When the session ended in June, we were glad to see the birth of ExceptionalSC (a tax-credit for special needs students), the passage of the Founding Principles Act, Right to Try, and Volunteer Care – all laws that will help educate our children and provide access to quality healthcare at an affordable rate.
During the latter half of the year, Palmetto Promise Institute grew in size with the hiring of our new Executive Vice President Elisabeth Kines, and our attention shifted toward preparation for the 2017 legislative session. Researching best-practices for everything from major education reforms to fiscally responsible ways to make the South Carolina tax code fairer, broader, and more free sets us up to start off strong in the new year.
As we look back on 2016, check out these most popular Palmetto Promise Institute articles!!
Prepare Students for Coming Storm
What does the Palmetto State’s aging workforce and ballooning retirement population mean for South Carolina? How can we be ready for what has come to be known as ‘Hurricane Grey’? President Ellen Weaver shares her thoughts in this op-ed that ran in The State in March.
Common Man…Or Out of Touch?
If the 2016 election taught America anything, it’s the fact that too often we grow complacent in the lifestyles we have grown accustomed too. It seems the divide between your average joe and the political elites is only growing. Even before the election though, Ellen Weaver was making the case that insulation from others is not a virtue.
That’s a Wrap
With the election season in full swing, the 2016 legislative session could have been a complete wash. Thankfully though, some free-market initiatives made it through the legislative gauntlet and were signed by Governor Haley. Check out the highlights!
Embrace Your Role in Local Races
Though this post was in preparation for the election, the truth of the sentiment is still relevant today: local and state politics will often have far more of an impact on your daily life, so get involved!