Chart of the Century?

Quality of Life
Blog · September 15, 2022

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Senior Fellow Emeritus Mark J. Perry estimates that over the last fifteen years he has posted some 3,000 infographics to cyberspace—charts, graphs, tables, figures, maps, and Venn diagrams—each serving as his famous “Chart of the Day.” For some of us, Perry’s charts are  “eye candy” because of their combination of simplistic

“Online Choice Act” Is the Wrong Cure for Reining in Big Tech

Quality of Life
Blog · June 1, 2022

Big Tech is a big problem. Whether one is a Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, there is near universal agreement that this massive online oligarchy is out of control. But the proposed solution getting the most attention is in many ways worse than the problem – and it doesn’t even address what concerns us most. Sound familiar?

Election Reforms Bills Moving

Quality of Life
Blog · March 8, 2022

Thanks to strong state laws and aggressive legal initiatives taken to defend them (one of which was fought—and won—before the US Supreme Court) South Carolina has preempted many problems and largely avoided debacles like those experienced by our neighbors in Georgia and elsewhere.

Happy Free Speech Week!

Quality of Life
Blog · October 18, 2021

This week, October 18-22, is the 17th annual observance of Free Speech Week in America. When we think of threats to Freedom of Speech, our minds naturally go to powerful examples from history.