The myth of low average taxes

Tax & Budget
Blog · March 9, 2018

With every new year comes a new round of rankings on every topic imaginable. Apparently tax policy is no different, and its ranking season has begun. Two new state rankings reports place South Carolina among the top finishers in states with the lowest tax rates. The first report, by 24/7 Wall Street, uses Tax Foundation

House committee receives plan to make South Carolina competitive with southeastern neighbors

Tax & Budget
Blog · February 23, 2018

Thursday, House Research staff presented a plan for statewide comprehensive income and sales tax reform to South Carolina Speaker of the House Jay Lucas and the South Carolina House Tax Policy Review Committee. The plan represents a critical step forward to create fairness for hardworking South Carolina citizens, stability to fund state promises and essential

Should South Carolina conform to federal tax law changes?

Tax & Budget
Blog · February 8, 2018

To freedom-loving South Carolinians, the only worse words than “federal” and “conformity” spoken singly are “federal conformity” spoken jointly. The most current relevance of federal conformity refers to whether South Carolina should change its tax code to match the provisions of the sweeping (and very positive) tax law passed by Congress and signed by President

Pension Forecast: Still Stormy

Tax & Budget
Blog · September 8, 2017

Transitioning to a defined contribution retirement plan for new state employees would be wise public policy for South Carolina taxpayers and would help us keep our promises to past, present and future state employees.