The 2023-24 Palmetto Freedom Agenda: How Did the General Assembly Do?

Blog · June 17, 2024

To kick off the 2023-24 legislative session, Palmetto Promise Institute released the Palmetto Freedom Agenda, a handbook for South Carolina legislators detailing twenty-three extensively researched policies for building a better South Carolina.  Now that the 125th General Assembly has adjourned sine die, it’s time to look back and see how they did. Did our Freedom Agenda

Education Reforms You May Have Missed in the 2023-24 Legislative Session

Blog · June 5, 2024
People wearing backpacks

The 125th South Carolina General Assembly has made quite the impact in our state, from repealing CON to enacting our state’s first education scholarship account (ESA) program. Here at Palmetto Promise, we’ve talked a lot about the ESA bill and the tremendous impact it has for families across the state. More families than ever before

South Carolina Needs to Protect Free Speech With Anti-SLAPP Law

Quality of Life
Blog · May 30, 2024

South Carolina is behind the times on free speech protections, particularly regarding protections from SLAPP lawsuits, also known as strategic lawsuits against public participation. These predatory lawsuits arise when one party levels privacy, defamation, or libel charges at individuals or advocacy groups with the intention to financially cripple them and scare them away from public

Introducing our 2024 Summer Fellows

Blog · May 29, 2024

One of the greatest honors we have here at Palmetto Promise Institute is getting the opportunity to work alongside talented young leaders through our internship program. Over the years, we have had an abundance of brilliant, hardworking interns, several of whom have gone on to full-time positions with Palmetto Promise, and all of whom are

Palmetto Promise Awarded Heritage Foundation’s Innovation Prize

Blog · May 22, 2024

We are proud to share that Palmetto Promise Institute, along with our partners in North and South Carolina, have been awarded the Heritage Foundation’s 2024 Innovation Prize for our work on the Carolinas Academic Leadership Network (CALN). CALN aims to empower school board members throughout the Carolinas by honing their leadership skills in governance, professional development,

Commentary: History speaks clearly to SC health agency reforms

Blog · May 19, 2024

This column by Senior Fellow Dr. Oran Smith originally appeared in The Post and Courier May 19, 2024. Looking back over South Carolina’s civic life, most historians would agree that Carroll Campbell has been among our state’s most effective governors. It was Campbell, a Republican with a General Assembly that was 61% Democratic, who shepherded