The Wren Report – Enterprise Friendly SC Cities

Palmetto Promise Research Assistant Adam Crain, about a new report that ranks the most enterprise friendly cities in South Carolina.
Palmetto Promise Research Assistant Adam Crain, about a new report that ranks the most enterprise friendly cities in South Carolina.
In order to excel in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, South Carolina must be as attractive as possible to businesses wishing to relocate to or expand in the state.
The American Society for Civil Engineers recently gave South Carolina’s infrastructure a D+. Everyone agrees our roads and bridges are in bad shape. But how do we fix the problem?
There was good and bad news for South Carolina according to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In this exclusive conversation with Palmetto Promise's Senior Fellow Dr. Oran P. Smith, Arthur Brooks explains how public policy in South Carolina can be more effective. The solution is simpler than you might think!
The answer to falsities is not the abridgment of free speech.
Since the 1970’s, billions of people worldwide have been lifted out of poverty because of the free-market engine enabling upward mobility. But what about right here at home? How do we help those who struggle economically? Arthur C. Brooks, President of American Enterprise Institute and featured guest at next week’s Conversation and Dinner in Columbia,
A growing teacher shortage, particularly in some of South Carolina’s more rural areas are leading some districts to take new measures to lure and retain qualified teachers.
What is a "Tax Bracket Creep" and how does it affect you? In this week's Wren Report, Senator Chip Campsen (Charleston) talks about what the "creep" is and how it is being fought in the "Taxpayer Inflation Protection Act."
“When many people assess the political landscape, they see two choices: a heartless, pragmatic party on the right and an imprudent but compassionate party on the left. Americans are good people, so given that rotten choice, compassion almost always win.” -Arthur C. Brooks, “The Conservative Heart” Have you ever noticed how much the concept of