Fiscal Health Rankings: SC is 18th

South Carolina might have a rocky fiscal road ahead according to a study recently released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
South Carolina might have a rocky fiscal road ahead according to a study recently released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
In the last 3 years, SC has made precious little progress on these same kinds of reforms that could right the education ship for our students.
Discouraged by the national political scene? Then don’t discount local South Carolina elections. After all, real conservatives love federalism!
Anyone concerned with preparing Palmetto State students for a productive life beyond high school should continue to watch the Abbeville school equity case very closely.
What is the rationale for ESAs and where did they get their beginning? You've come to the right place for the answer!
In the end, the negative consequences of the RPS far outweigh any positive effects. The standards are truly just a major expense with minimal returns.
We hope you join us in this very important mission to impact children’s lives for the better. Because the children of today need to be equipped for leadership tomorrow!
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007 he said, “Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything…"
We could not help but notice that a very different tale is being told in California. It is Right to Try vs. Right to Die.
A time-sensitive opportunity for YOU to help exceptional needs children in South Carolina has opened up!