When Warnings Go Ignored

Blog · March 15, 2016

With news such as this, South Carolinians are left to wonder which is worse? That so many South Carolinians have lost coverage, or that we were warned it would happen.

Wait, I’m A Criminal?

Quality of Life
Blog · February 25, 2016

Common sense – not to mention tight budgets – shout for penal code reform. Our legislature should take the time and effort to fix our woefully out-of-date penal code.

The Best Day Ever!

Blog · February 5, 2016

Thanks to your help, National School Choice Week was a smashing success - nearly 3,000 students, teachers, and leaders joined us!

Meet the Hollingsworth Family

Blog · January 8, 2016

Delaine expresses how grateful they are for the comfort and the opportunity that the Exceptional Needs Scholarship provides: “It means peace of mind. Hidden Treasure is an amazing place, and the right place for Cody.”