A True Conservative Warrior

This week, Palmetto Promise partnered with our North Carolina friends at the Civitas Institute and the John Locke Foundation in hosting...
This week, Palmetto Promise partnered with our North Carolina friends at the Civitas Institute and the John Locke Foundation in hosting...
Zavia’s story is one of parental dedication to finding the best education for her daughter. Read her inspiring story here.
To celebrate the Constitution’s birthday, we asked a couple members of our staff to explain the importance of the Constitution, and why they appreciate it. Here are their answers...
Economics is a logical science. Economists use mathematics, graphs, and plain logic to map out consequences of policies. Sounds simple, right? Is anything as simple as it sounds?
Ah, Labor Day. The punchline of so many unfunny jokes. We won’t attempt to humor you with any jokes, but we would like to briefly discuss a topic that'll make you smile...
Join the Palmetto Promise Institute for a special luncheon and Book signing featuring the President of the American Enterprise Institute – Arthur C. Brooks.
South Carolina’s children don’t have to lag behind their peers. Meeting Street Academy is showing a promising path forward for education opportunity in the Palmetto State.
Is Obamacare here to stay? That’s what it’s proponents would have you believe. But as too many American’s are learning firsthand, it’s still unworkable, unpopular and unaffordable.
Making good policy decisions requires taking an honest look at our financial picture. And if we don’t look at long-term solutions to deal with our debt problem and uncompetitive tax code, that picture doesn’t look rosy.
We couldn't agree more. Working together to build on and steward this good will, we really can create a new South Carolina: a Palmetto State where every citizen has the opportunity to reach their full, God-given potential.