The Quest for Number One…

Tax & Budget
Blog · March 10, 2015

The numbers don’t lie. If we don’t change our ways, the Palmetto State could be looking at a #1 ranking in debt and taxes. That’s great news…for North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, our closest competitors for jobs and new investment.

What King v. Burwell Means for SC

Blog · March 6, 2015

Today the US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it hears King v Burwell. Not sure what the significance of this case is? Well, you're not alone. Here's what you need to know about the case that could radically alter Obamacare as we know it. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law in early 2010, there were many things we still didn’t know about the bill and its effect on everyday Americans. Now, with several years of experience under our belts, the truth has grown increasingly clear: far from living up to its name, it has become one more one-size-fits-all Washington boondoggle with a bungled website roll-out, lingering questions about consumer data privacy, rising insurance rates and many people losing the doctor they were promised that they could keep. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

We Have a New Name!

Blog · February 4, 2015

Dear Friends, I wanted to take a minute to share some encouraging news about an exciting new phase of growth for our organization. Two short years ago on February 5th, 2013, we first launched what we promised would be South Carolina’s most effective “action engine” for conservative public policy. With your help, we rolled up our sleeves and got right to work. And I’m proud to report that your investment is already paying real dividends through the relationships we’ve fostered and the research we’ve published and promoted.

Testimony to the SC House Education & Public Works Committee

Blog · January 23, 2015

I come here personally today not as an academic policy expert but as someone who loves our home state of South Carolina and believes passionately that the path of opportunity both for our people and our state starts with bold, big picture thinking about how we put together key puzzle pieces for South Carolina’s future. We focus on the issues of energy, health care, tax & budget policy…and of course, righting the injustices of our education system, which is why I am here talking with you today.

Meet the Jackson Family

Blog · January 19, 2015

Jay Jackson liked his local public school and did well on his report cards. He even enrolled in some of the advanced classes that his school offered. However, Jay's parents, Randy and Janice, noticed something peculiar: They never saw Jay do any homework.

Meet the Faucett Family

January 19, 2015

Morgan Faucett started her education at a private school. But her mom, Pam, felt the school was too small and didn’t have enough to offer Morgan. In second grade, Morgan moved to a public school and excelled there.

10 Things Lawmakers Need to Know About Abbeville

Blog · December 19, 2014

In the wake of the recent South Carolina Supreme Court ruling on the Abbeville case, the SC legislature has been handed a mandate to improve the education system for our rural school systems. While those who have vested interested in maintaining the status quo say that this ruling simply mandates more funding to the powers that be, our education system needs real reform. Check out these ten real steps to reform.

Testimony to First Steps to School Readiness Study Committee

Blog · December 5, 2014

I am Oran Smith, and I come to you this afternoon in two capacities. I am President & CEO of Palmetto Family, a faith-based, public policy research organization founded in Spartanburg and based here in Columbia since 1994. I am also glad to be part of Palmetto Policy Forum, a new type of policy organization dedicated to expanding opportunity by building consensus around common sense solutions.

Empower Opportunity 2015

Blog · November 15, 2014

Finding the best education fit for your child can be a daunting task. In this catalog, you’ll read the stories of families just like yours who share their journey to find the perfect place for their child. You’ll also find links to resources to learn more about each option. Please take a minute to share this information with families you know. Knowledge is power, and working together, we can Empower Opportunity for students in every corner of the Palmetto State. And please take a minute to visit our dedicated Empower Opportunity website at