NextEra — utility eyeing Santee Cooper — still ‘on the hunt’ after buying Florida power company

News · May 21, 2018

This article was originally published by The Post and Courier on May 21, 2018. The acquisition-hungry utility giant NextEra Energy, which has been eyeing Santee Cooper for months, says it’s still “on the hunt” for a power company after buying one in Florida. NextEra said Monday that it has agreed to purchase Gulf Power, an electric company on

Santee Cooper costs will only rise

News · May 8, 2018

This article was originally published by The State on May 8, 2018. At first glance, Santee Cooper customers seem to be getting a better deal than SCANA customers. However, unlike state-owned Santee Cooper, SCANA has shareholders who can absorb some of the losses from the failed nuclear construction project; Santee Cooper has only debt-holders and customers.

Why Santee Cooper’s customers pay a way lower nuclear surcharge than SCE&G’s

News · April 17, 2018

This article was written by Cindi Scoppe and originally published by The State on April 17, 2018. Depending on who you believe, customers of the state-owned utility could see their rates go up by 7 percent or 14 percent to pay for the abandoned nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer site near Winnsboro. The Palmetto Promise Institute,

In Final Days Of Session, South Carolina Lawmakers Seek To Help Ratepayers Facing Billions In Debt

News · April 14, 2018

This article was written by Patrick Gleason and originally published by Forbes on April 14, 2018. In a debacle that Governing Magazine refers to as “one of the greatest wastes of money in any state’s history,” South Carolina lawmakers are scrambling to address a situation in which Santee Cooper, an 80 year old state-owned utility, and South

Report: Santee Cooper bills could rise by up to $750 a year

News · March 21, 2018

This article was originally published in the Columbia Business Report on March 21, 2018. An economic analysis by a conservative S.C. think tank suggests that Santee Cooper residential utility bills could increase by anywhere from $167 to $750 annually until the state-owned utility’s V.C. summer-related debt is paid off in 2056. The study, commissioned by the Palmetto Promise Institute, projected

New report shows dangers of state holding on to Santee Cooper

News · March 21, 2018

This article was originally published in the Index-Journal on March 21, 2018. It’s been called the largest financial disaster in South Carolina’s history. But just how devastating could things get for Santee Cooper customers if they’re left fully exposed to the utility’s multi-billion debt load borne out of the failed VC Summer nuclear generation project?