Report: South Carolina ranks 28th in cost of electricity
The Center Square highlights PPI's research on energy reform in this article.
The Center Square highlights PPI's research on energy reform in this article.
The Center Square highlights PPI's "Assessing the Spectrum of Reform" report.
A new study released today by Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI) and The Conservative Energy Network (CEN) titled "Assessing the Spectrum of Reform: How Collaboration & Competition in South Carolina Could Help Lower Some of America's Highest Electricity Bills" examines how electricity competition could save Palmetto State residents money.
Perhaps 2021 is the year the General Assembly will finally take a business approach ---rather than a political approach -- to Santee Cooper. For the sake of beleaguered ratepayers (and taxpayers), I hope we are back at the negotiating table soon.
Santee Cooper recently published a long memo purporting to rebut Palmetto Promise Institute research. Their response pointed out distinctions, but not actual factual differences. Our full response may be found here.
S.C. Representative Bobby Cox cites a PPI study on Santee Cooper in this letter to the editor published in The Greenville News. Here in the Upstate we haven’t been affected overtly by the state agency’s failed nuclear project known as Santee Cooper. Yet our Lowcountry neighbors are paying crushing power bills as a result and
PPI’s economic analysis of Santee Cooper is quoted in this article by Vivian Jones of Center Square. (The Center Square) – Two Republican lawmakers are calling for new leadership at Santee Cooper in response to the state-owned utility’s recent issuance of $638 million in debt, announced late last month. Earlier this year, the General Assembly
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2020 Media Contact: Lawson Mansell Policy Content Manager (843) 694-1540 New Analysis: Santee Cooper at Mercy of Credit Market Columbia, SC. (September 24, 2020) – A scholar with Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI), the most prolific publisher of independent analysis on Santee Cooper, today released a new report on the state agency. The study, written as a Memorandum to state leaders by Dr. Katie Grace of Clemson Economics
This Op-Ed, written by PPI Senior Fellow Oran Smith, PhD, was originally published in The Post & Courier. The graphic was created by PPI and not included in the Post & Courier’s publication. Click to enlarge. In the case of Jessica Cook et al., a South Carolina court approved a settlement between state-owned Santee Cooper,
This op-ed was written by Palmetto Promise Senior Fellow Dr. Oran Smith and was published in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal. Because I registered my opinion way back in 1994, surely I was among the first to call for the state to sell Santee Cooper and get out of the utility business. But that said, my opinion