Homeschooling and Ignorance: Harvard professor faces swift backlash after calling for homeschooling ban

Blog · April 22, 2020

One thing you might not expect from Harvard Law School is ignorance. But that is exactly what we got in “The Risks of Homeschooling” published in the most recent Harvard magazine. All of the old 1980s (1970s?) home education tropes are trotted out: science-hating fundamentalism, lack of socialization, commonality of child abuse, and an unregulated curriculum.

South Carolina private schools uniquely impacted by COVID-19, could help be on the way?

Blog · April 21, 2020

It would be an understatement to say that COVID-19 has disrupted the education of South Carolina’s children. Parents and students alike have had to adjust to the new normal of learning from home, and teachers and school administrators have scrambled to provide instruction from a distance, with widely varying results due to a variety of

Free resources for at-home learning during school closures

Blog · March 18, 2020

Learning from home, especially in this time of uncertainty, is a unexpected challenge for many families and teachers. But working together, we can keep our students safe, continue their education journey…and hopefully have some fun along the way! The resources provided on this page are meant to supplement – not replace – official instructions provided

The Artis Ware story

March 15, 2020

Artis Ware lived to see his grandson, U.S. Senator Tim Scott, rise “from cotton to Congress” thanks to the power of his example.

Evidence from Florida: Education Choice works

Blog · March 4, 2020

In 1998, South Carolina students led Florida students in performance on a number of national tests, including the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), known as “The Nation’s Report Card.” But over the last decade, Florida far surpassed South Carolina in K-12 education outcomes, most notably among traditionally disadvantaged student populations.  Currently, only 0.30% of

A recap of South Carolina’s eventful National School Choice Week

Blog · February 6, 2020

Last week, Palmetto Promise Institute and My SC Education joined states across the country in celebrating the 10th Annual National School Choice Week. Here are some of the highlights from the eventful week. Governor Henry McMaster declared support for K-12 education choice in a new video. “Everybody doesn’t learn the same way. We must give our

McMaster, Evette help South Carolina celebrate School Choice Week

Blog · January 31, 2020

This week, we joined states across the country in celebrating the 10th Annual National School Choice Week. Both the South Carolina Senate and House adopted resolutions recognizing January 26 – February 1 as National School Choice Week in South Carolina. We were excited to have support from Governor Henry McMaster and Lt. Governor Pamela Evette during National School

Video: Limitless Lila

Blog · January 29, 2020

When Mark and Padgett Mozingo found out their daughter Lila had Down syndrome, they were consistently told what she couldn’t do. Some even told Padgett that she shouldn’t go through with the pregnancy. But they decided Lila was “limitless” and work hard to ensure that her diagnosis does not define her. A huge part of