Lawsuits are Killing the Golden Goose in South Carolina – NEW REPORT

H.4586 would open up the opportunity for criminal record expungement to more people and bring South Carolina’s criminal record expungement laws in line with the rest of the nation.
Read our new fast fact sheet to answer the following questions: How do we vet and elect our judges in South Carolina? How can we make sure our process in the Palmetto State prevents black-robed legislating?
In order to excel in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, South Carolina must be as attractive as possible to businesses wishing to relocate to or expand in the state.
How does South Carolina rank in economic freedom?
Late in 2014, headlines heralded the news that America’s official unemployment rate had fallen below 6% for the first time since 2008. Surely, a sign that we’re on the path to recovery, right? A closer look says “not so fast.” From 2008 to the most complete numbers we have in 2013, South Carolina’s labor participation has seen a uniform, steady decline across gender and race, aside from a 2012-2013 rebound among Hispanic workers.
Despite their declining membership rolls, public sector unions ostensibly attract members by touting unions’ collective bargaining abilities to promote higher pay, improve benefits, and increase job security. But that’s not the case in the Palmetto State. Data shows that unionized government workers in South Carolina make 4% less than their non-union counterparts.