Healthcare Industry Update 2016

Fast Facts · August 17, 2016

“Right to Try” and “Volunteer Care” are bipartisan, common sense pieces of legislation drawn from experiences in other states that are aimed at lending a hand to the most vulnerable among us, when they need it most. Below is a brief update explaining how these new laws work. Right to Try In June, Governor Haley

The Right to Try

Fast Facts · February 4, 2016

There is a way to provide terminally ill South Carolinians with the safe, FDA approved drugs they need.

King v. Burwell: Obamacare Off-Ramp?

Blog · May 13, 2015

The US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it decides King v Burwell (and the companion case Halbig v. Burwell). As Obamacare turns five, here is what you need to know about the cases that could open the door to a much-needed reassessment of the currently broken federal healthcare scheme…and the alternative plan that could begin to put South Carolina patients back in charge.