The Right to Shop: More Access to Local and Affordable Health Care

Right to Shop’s goal is to provide patients with access to information on the out-of-pocket costs they will face after a non-emergency medical procedure.
Right to Shop’s goal is to provide patients with access to information on the out-of-pocket costs they will face after a non-emergency medical procedure.
“Right to Try” and “Volunteer Care” are bipartisan, common sense pieces of legislation drawn from experiences in other states that are aimed at lending a hand to the most vulnerable among us, when they need it most. Below is a brief update explaining how these new laws work. Right to Try In June, Governor Haley
The theme is all too familiar—Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards and rules continue to drive electricity costs higher and higher.
A new option for individuals who cannot afford health insurance could be coming to the Palmetto State.
The Safe Families Act is a private alternative to the government-run foster care system that seeks to aid children threatened by neglect.
There is a way to provide terminally ill South Carolinians with the safe, FDA approved drugs they need.
South Carolina has a generational opportunity not just to play catch up, but to proactively create a chance for every student to excel.
A new comprehensive study from the Interstate Policy Alliance (IPA) and Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI) concludes that increased federal spending...
How do we continue to improve our ECENC program…and move toward a system of education where every child has the opportunity to reach their full God-given potential?
The US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it decides King v Burwell (and the companion case Halbig v. Burwell). As Obamacare turns five, here is what you need to know about the cases that could open the door to a much-needed reassessment of the currently broken federal healthcare scheme…and the alternative plan that could begin to put South Carolina patients back in charge.