Empower Education Summit: The Path to Transforming SC’s Future

Education transformation is a topic we are incredibly passionate about. In fact, in 2012, The Palmetto Fort Foundation (the Forum’s precursor) and U.S. Senator Jim DeMint’s office teamed up to host the “Empower Education Reform Summit.”
This event, which was keynoted by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, attracted elected, education, business and community leaders – and most importantly, parents – from all over the state. It has played a vital role in expanding the dialogue about how we best serve the diverse educational needs of South Carolina children and prepare them for the workforce of the future.
Many perspectives were presented in a thoughtful, results-focused way. You can see some of the information presented at the Summit here here.
We hope to make this event a model for many more to come and are excited about the release of Transformation What South Carolina Can Learn from Florida’s K-12 Reforms, our inaugural policy paper that continues this important conversation!