
Empower Opportunity 2015

November 15, 2014


Empower Opportunity 2015 CoverEvery child deserves a high-quality education that equips them to reach their full God-given potential.

But the reality is that far too many children in South Carolina are stuck in schools that simply aren’t meeting their needs. And as a parent, finding the best place for your child can be a daunting – and at times frustrating – task.

That’s why we put together Empower Opportunity.

In this catalog, you’ll read the stories of real families just like yours who share their journey to find the perfect place for their child. You’ll find helpful links to other resources to learn more about education options currently available in South Carolina.

You’ll also learn about exciting ideas growing around the country that are delivering real results for students and unlocking new opportunities for success. While there is no silver bullet to fix every challenge our schools face, empowering parents to choose what’s best for their child has been proven to deliver results time and again.

It’s simply unfair to expect that every school can be everything to every child. And when a school fails at this impossible task, we rob our children of the bright future that they deserve. We can’t afford to lose another generation of unrealized student potential.

Please take a minute to share this information with families you know. Knowledge is power, and working together, we can Empower Opportunity for students in every corner of the Palmetto State!

Together for Students,

Ellen Weaver
President & CEO | Palmetto Promise Institute

P.S. – I hope you’ll visit MySCEducation.org to let us know if you found this resource helpful. We’d love to get your feedback and hear your stories for future editions. And while you’re there, amplify your voice and become part of our “parent power” community. By signing up for our informative emails, you’ll stay “in the know” on the latest developments in education options in the Palmetto State and learn about opportunities to make a difference for your family…and every SC student!

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