Let’s Put Parents in Charge

50 years of growing federal involvement in education has not led to better outcomes for students. A recent Daily Signal article lays out the disturbing trend:
“According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress long-term-trend assessment, 17-year-old students today perform no better in reading and math than 17-year-olds did in the 1970s. According to the main NAEP assessment, often referred to as the nation’s “report card,” only 26 percent of 12th graders are proficient in math; just 38 percent of high school seniors are proficient in reading.”
Right here in South Carolina, 51% of low income 4th grade students and 40% of all 4th grade students cannot read at even a basic level.
That is why the Forum is fighting to return education dollars and decision to parents. And we will keep fighting until every parent in South Carolina has the choice of a high-quality education option for THEIR child, regardless of their income or zip code.
(Hat tip to the folk at The Daily Signal for laying out the facts in this infographic.)