Quality of Life

"Quality of life” means ensuring that all South Carolinians have full access to the blessings of life, liberty, and the fruits of their own labor. This means pursuing equal justice under the law and breaking down government-sponsored barriers to work wherever they exist…among many other important issues. We proudly stand for equal opportunity as the path to a free and flourishing South Carolina.

The Latest

March 20, 2025

Liquor Liability is Not The Whole Story – South Carolina Needs True Lawsuit Reform

Palmetto Promise Team

You’ve probably heard the saying: “Winning the battle but losing the war.” That’s exactly what the South Carolina General Assembly risks doing if it narrows its focus to fixing liquor liability problems while leaving the rest of our broken civil liability system untouched.  Let’s be clear: Liquor liability is a massive and urgent issue. Over

March 17, 2025

Licensing Labyrinth: How Occupational Regulations Disincentivize Work

Mercy Fletcher

As South Carolina looks to curb overregulation, one major area in need of attention is occupational licensing. South Carolina is ranked 27th in the nation on occupational licensing burden with 159 licenses (You can view the full list of occupational licenses here, on South Carolina’s Department of Labor Licensing & Regulation page).  In recent years,

March 4, 2025

SC’s Liability Laws are Judicial Socialism, Plain and Simple

Palmetto Promise Team

Our state’s civil justice statutes are in dire need of reform—on many levels.    But specifically, it is our system of modified comparative negligence that is often so scandalously unjust. “Nuclear” outcomes have become common, especially in venues like Richland County, where eight-figure verdicts have become routine in recent years. In 2024, a jury awarded a

February 27, 2025

Cutting Red Tape for Businesses with the Small Business Regulatory Freedom Act

Mercy Fletcher

Regulatory review and consolidation have become a hot topic in the South Carolina Statehouse, particularly as they pertain to our state’s small businesses. This is welcome, because, in 2022, South Carolina was home to 463,549 small businesses, accounting for 99.4% of the state’s businesses. One effort to ensure our state’s business climate is friendly for

Close up photo of a wooden gavel
February 19, 2025

Lawmakers See Tort Reform, Like Tax Relief, As Way To Reduce Costs

Palmetto Promise’s report Sandlapper Shakedown is cited in this piece originally published in Forbes. South Carolina has been among the most successful states recently in attracting individuals, families, and employers from other states. In fact, last year the Palmetto State’s population grew faster than all 49 other states. State lawmakers in South Carolina and Governor

February 12, 2025

New Reports Find South Carolina Leads in Economic Freedom & Federalism

Palmetto Promise Team

South Carolina is leading the nation in economic freedom and in resistance to federal government overreach, at least according to two new comprehensive rankings. A brand new report from the State Policy Network’s Center for Practical Federalism ranked South Carolina #4 in the nation on its Federalism Scorecard. This means that South Carolina outshines most

February 6, 2025

Lawsuits are Killing the Golden Goose in South Carolina – NEW REPORT

Palmetto Promise Team

The lawsuit industry in South Carolina is out of control. Drive down any highway in our state, and you’ll see it lined with billboards for trial lawyers. The sheer quantity are a clear sign that something in our state is sorely wrong.   Businesses with as little as 1% of fault are paying 100% of

February 4, 2025

Why are So Many South Carolina Restaurants, Venues, and Bars Closing?

Palmetto Promise Team

If you’ve read or watched the news in South Carolina in the last few years, you likely have noticed a strange and disconcerting phenomenon: scores of restaurants, bars, and music venues have announced their closures. From the iconic Smiley’s Acoustic Cafe in Greenville to Henry’s of Cayce, long-established businesses in the state have been shutting

January 7, 2025

Palmetto State leads U-Haul report for first time ever

Senior Fellow Dr. Oran Smith was interviewed for this article, originally published in American Family News. An annual report from U-Haul suggests most Americans who moved last year settled in the South, continuing an annual trend, but a new southern state now tops the list. The line of moving trucks fleeing California and New York

December 9, 2024

SC’s New Chief Justice Shuts Down Magistrate Court Conflicts of Interest

Felicity Ropp

This morning, South Carolina’s new Chief Justice John Kittredge released a new administrative order that brings long-awaited reform to South Carolina’s magistrate court system and shuts down potential for conflict of interest in magistrates’ rulings on cases involving lawyer-legislators. Palmetto Promise has written extensively over the last few years about the need for reform in