The Fatal Danger of CON Laws
It’s time for South Carolina lawmakers to examine the facts and make healthcare more accessible, more affordable and more safe by repealing South Carolina’s CON laws.
It’s time for South Carolina lawmakers to examine the facts and make healthcare more accessible, more affordable and more safe by repealing South Carolina’s CON laws.
As the dust begins to settle from the raucous 2016 election season, President-elect Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans are turning their attention toward governing.
For the past six years, Republicans — across Washington, and across the country — have virtually to a person run against Obamacare.
The burning question is this: are patients really getting $6.7 trillion worth of care, or could there be a better way to take care of South Carolinians?
Minor surgery is an operation performed on you. Major surgery is when it is performed on me. So it was (I humbly confess) on Obamacare.
Ask anyone with contacts or glasses how annoying and expensive it is to be required every year to make an appointment.
How much does Medicaid really cost in SC?
In a day when South Carolinians are struggling to find high-quality healthcare, shouldn’t we be enacting policies that expand access to good healthcare options?
When it comes time to ObamaCare, the news just keeps getting worse. Choice is down while prices are up.
Here's a report released by the Congressional Budget Office should be read by every state legislator in every state.