Tag Archive: intern written

BEYOND THE CHICAGO STATEMENT: Do Policies at South Carolina’s Public Universities Truly Protect Free Speech?

Blog · August 1, 2024

This report examines policies relating to free speech and expression within South Carolina public institutions of higher education. Declarations of intent or belief like the Chicago Statement are admirable, but the proof is in the pudding—or in specific policies, rather.

South Carolina, The New Frontier for Tech? Here’s How to Make It Happen

Quality of Life
Blog · July 22, 2024

American entrepreneurship, once legendary, is on the decline. The United States Joint Economic Committee reports that since the 1970s entrepreneurship has diminished across multiple different measures, including business formation. One reason for the reduction in business start-ups is the increasingly complex regulatory environment that government has introduced in the past few years. Small businesses are

NEW REPORT: Small Modular Reactors – an Answer to South Carolina’s Energy Crisis?

Blog · July 15, 2024

We are excited to share our latest energy report, which looks at the possibility of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as a solution to what is undoubtedly an energy crisis in South Carolina. DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT. What is the current state of energy in South Carolina? South Carolina’s energy status is characterized by outrageous costs

Livestream Report: Which School Districts Provide Real-Time Access to the Public’s Business?

Blog · July 11, 2024

In the 2023-24 legislative session, Senator and Education Committee Chair Greg Hembree (R-Horry) introduced S.134, a bill that would require South Carolina school boards to livestream their meetings or make them otherwise electronically accessible in real-time.[1] The bill passed the Senate unanimously in early 2023 but unfortunately died in the House, after waiting an entire

South Carolina Needs to Protect Free Speech With Anti-SLAPP Law

Quality of Life
Blog · May 30, 2024

South Carolina is behind the times on free speech protections, particularly regarding protections from SLAPP lawsuits, also known as strategic lawsuits against public participation. These predatory lawsuits arise when one party levels privacy, defamation, or libel charges at individuals or advocacy groups with the intention to financially cripple them and scare them away from public

“Online Choice Act” Is the Wrong Cure for Reining in Big Tech

Quality of Life
Blog · June 1, 2022

Big Tech is a big problem. Whether one is a Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, there is near universal agreement that this massive online oligarchy is out of control. But the proposed solution getting the most attention is in many ways worse than the problem – and it doesn’t even address what concerns us most. Sound familiar?