2016: A Year in Review

Adam Crain
Every week, Palmetto Promise Institute works hard to create, curate, and promote fresh content to keep you abreast of the major issues facing our state – both setbacks and free market victories.
As we look ahead to all that 2017 holds and the battles we are sure to fight, why not take a minute to reflect and read some of the top stories from 2016!
Why Our Roads Are Still Not Fixed
It is no secret that South Carolina’s infrastructure needs some serious improvements. On the other hand, for most people, April 15 confirms their conviction that they pay their fair share of taxes. So what’s the disconnect? Check out what voters believe the main hurdle to rebuilding our infrastructure is.
Mike Rowe on Education, Work and Opportunity
By far, this blog post on Palmetto Promise Institute’s opportunity to hear from Dirty Job’s Mike Rowe about the value of work and navigating the dichotomy between passion and ability was one of our most popular posts. Read about why undue pressure to attend a 4-year college renders students stunned by the realities of the job market.
Making It on Main Street
According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, “63% of all businesses in America are small businesses, more than five years old and with 50 employees or fewer.” The importance of small, long-lasting businesses to the health of South Carolina’s economy cannot be underestimated. But what can we can do in South Carolina to help small businesses. We’ve laid out four practical steps for South Carolina to start with.
Assessing Schools: Ambiguity is Not Accountability
South Carolina is currently in the process of formulating a plan to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act, President Obama’s refreshment of No Child Left Behind. One key component is how we plan to grade school performance. In this popular post, Dr. Oran Smith, our Senior Fellow, argues that there are common sense ways to grade schools…and ludicrous ways to grade them as well.