What Nevada’s Education Savings Accounts Mean For South Carolina Families

South Carolina families and parents around the country have reason to hope after the Nevada Supreme Court’s recent ruling.
South Carolina families and parents around the country have reason to hope after the Nevada Supreme Court’s recent ruling.
PPI is proud to partner with Legacy Charter School to welcome student champion and our 2016 My SC Education Rally speaker, Kevin Chavous, back to SC!
Last week, Mike Rowe spoke to over 1,300 freedom advocates – including the Palmetto Promise team – at the State Policy Network’s annual meeting in Nashville, TN.
Lawmakers in Florida have empowered a growing number of parents to make the best education decisions for their children.
“I’m thinking of their well being; I want them to be successful,” Sonya Gordon remarks about her children.
At all levels of education, students must be taught how to be productive members of American society.
For the sake of the states’ budgets and competitive federalism, it’s time for Congress and the states to say “no more” to sea-monster-sized, bureaucratic mandates.
Political will? Compromise? Institutional discipline? Long-term strategy? Do these virtues still exist in the General Assembly?
Though progress has been made, there is still more work to do.
As Ronald Reagan might say, “There they go again.” The Obamacare Perpetual Bailout Machine went into high gear again on Friday.