Is South Carolina “Financial Ready”?

Blog · April 24, 2015

South Carolina - like most states - receives a lot of funding from the federal government. But how much exactly? Would South Carolina still be "able to keep the lights on" and fund essential services if the Washington dropped the ball? This week, thanks to Representative Alan Clemmons picking up some PPI research, South Carolina is one step closer to being able to answer those questions.

SC Statehouse: The Reality Show

Blog · March 26, 2015

Most weeks in the Statehouse probably wouldn’t be mistaken for an episode of a Bravo reality show. Then came last week’s pandemonium, where backroom debate over whether to borrow $500 million almost brought back code duello---and that was just within the House Republican Caucus. Last week will be hard to beat for pure political theater, but this week wasn’t bad either.

An “Exceptional” Visit to a Special School

Blog · March 20, 2015

This week, two students at Hidden Treasure Christian School received life-changing checks, thanks to South Carolina's new Exceptional Needs Tax Credit Scholarship. These scholarships will allow them to afford an education that meets their unique needs and equips them to reach their full God-given potential. It was an incredible experience to witness this joyful celebration!

Educating the “Children No One Wants”

Blog · March 20, 2015

This week Kevin Chavous, a leading voice for giving every child a chance and a choice, highlighted Greenville's own Legacy Charter School in a national oped, praising their mission to value all children and their refusal to write kids off based on their background, home life or previous school experience. Wonderful to see such a South Carolina success story in the news!

The Quest for Number One…

Tax & Budget
Blog · March 10, 2015

The numbers don’t lie. If we don’t change our ways, the Palmetto State could be looking at a #1 ranking in debt and taxes. That’s great news…for North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, our closest competitors for jobs and new investment.

What King v. Burwell Means for SC

Blog · March 6, 2015

Today the US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it hears King v Burwell. Not sure what the significance of this case is? Well, you're not alone. Here's what you need to know about the case that could radically alter Obamacare as we know it. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law in early 2010, there were many things we still didn’t know about the bill and its effect on everyday Americans. Now, with several years of experience under our belts, the truth has grown increasingly clear: far from living up to its name, it has become one more one-size-fits-all Washington boondoggle with a bungled website roll-out, lingering questions about consumer data privacy, rising insurance rates and many people losing the doctor they were promised that they could keep. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

We Have a New Name!

Blog · February 4, 2015

Dear Friends, I wanted to take a minute to share some encouraging news about an exciting new phase of growth for our organization. Two short years ago on February 5th, 2013, we first launched what we promised would be South Carolina’s most effective “action engine” for conservative public policy. With your help, we rolled up our sleeves and got right to work. And I’m proud to report that your investment is already paying real dividends through the relationships we’ve fostered and the research we’ve published and promoted.

Testimony to the SC House Education & Public Works Committee

Blog · January 23, 2015

I come here personally today not as an academic policy expert but as someone who loves our home state of South Carolina and believes passionately that the path of opportunity both for our people and our state starts with bold, big picture thinking about how we put together key puzzle pieces for South Carolina’s future. We focus on the issues of energy, health care, tax & budget policy…and of course, righting the injustices of our education system, which is why I am here talking with you today.