As More States Move To Create Education Savings Accounts, New Poll Finds Strong Bipartisan Support

News · February 9, 2019

This article was originally published in Forbes by author Patrick Gleason. A new Mason-Dixon poll out this week shows that state Education Savings Account (ESA) programs, which expand school choice by allowing families to control a large share of the taxpayer resources going toward their children’s education, aren’t just sound policy for state lawmakers to enact, they’re

Greenville County legislators push for ‘bold’ education reform

News · December 19, 2018

PPI’s education agenda was mentioned in an article in the Greenville News. Anna Lee, The Greenville News Greenville County legislators vowing to make education reform a top priority on Tuesday publicized an education agenda from the conservative Palmetto Promise Institute. The Help Our Pupils Excel plan would reformat the state’s education system by addressing “root problems in finance

Why we’re voting “Yes” on Amendment 1

Blog · October 22, 2018

On November 6, South Carolina voters will be asked to vote on one of the most important ballot initiatives they may have never heard of: whether or not to appoint or elect South Carolina’s Superintendent of Education. A “good government” reform that has been discussed since the days of Governor Carroll Campbell, Amendment 1 on

Stronger Together: Expanding Opportunity Through School District Consolidation

September 6, 2018

Download this report here.  During the 2017-2018 legislative session, an old proposal became new again: the idea of merging several of South Carolina’s smaller school districts together with neighboring districts to form larger ones. This short paper seeks to gather facts, statistics, and previous comprehensive studies on the issue to find answers to the question