Just How High are South Carolina’s Electricity Bills?

South Carolina has high residential electricity bills. Recently, they were the highest in the nation (2016). But there are innovations that can provide relief.
South Carolina has high residential electricity bills. Recently, they were the highest in the nation (2016). But there are innovations that can provide relief.
A new study released today by Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI) and The Conservative Energy Network (CEN) titled "Assessing the Spectrum of Reform: How Collaboration & Competition in South Carolina Could Help Lower Some of America's Highest Electricity Bills" examines how electricity competition could save Palmetto State residents money.
What are the reform options for cutting wholesale and retail energy prices in South Carolina?
No doubt one of the most tragic figures in Greek mythology was the Trojan princess Cassandra (known as Alexandra to the Romans). Then who can forget Sisyphus? Believe it or not, Sisyphus and Cassandra are each representative of the tale of Santee Cooper and one of the utility’s critics.
Using analysis rather than backroom deals is the only way to achieve the best deal for ratepayers as they continue to bear the brunt of Santee Cooper’s $7 billion debt.
We have willing buyers and the state needs cash due to the ongoing fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s drive a hard bargain for SC taxpayers and turn Santee Cooper over to private enterprise.
Perhaps 2021 is the year the General Assembly will finally take a business approach ---rather than a political approach -- to Santee Cooper. For the sake of beleaguered ratepayers (and taxpayers), I hope we are back at the negotiating table soon.
Will the South Carolina General Assembly cure Santee Cooper? Or will it ignore the gravity of the debt and simply ramp up the pain-killers?
Santee Cooper recently published a long memo purporting to rebut Palmetto Promise Institute research. Their response pointed out distinctions, but not actual factual differences. Our full response may be found here.
Competition to Lower Costs for Consumers These 6 recommendations are drawn from the Palmetto Promise Playbook report. You can view our policy agenda for other issues by clicking below. Education | Healthcare | Work, Justice, & Quality of Life | Tax & Budget FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT RATEPAYERS Sell the State-Owned