Fund Students, Fix Systems

Fast Facts · March 26, 2015

In the wake of the SC Supreme Court’s Abbeville decision, some claim that more money is the answer for SC’s education woes. We say the answer is real reforms that promote autonomy for families and school leaders, accountability for current spending and equity for students regardless of where they live. Fund Students, Fix Systems outlines a clear path to helping every child reach their full potential.

Falling Unemployment – Road to Recovery or Dead End?

Quality of Life
Fast Facts · October 7, 2014

Late in 2014, headlines heralded the news that America’s official unemployment rate had fallen below 6% for the first time since 2008. Surely, a sign that we’re on the path to recovery, right? A closer look says “not so fast.” From 2008 to the most complete numbers we have in 2013, South Carolina’s labor participation has seen a uniform, steady decline across gender and race, aside from a 2012-2013 rebound among Hispanic workers.

Membership in SC’s Public Sector “Unions” – Boon or Bust?

Quality of Life
Fast Facts · May 1, 2014

Despite their declining membership rolls, public sector unions ostensibly attract members by touting unions’ collective bargaining abilities to promote higher pay, improve benefits, and increase job security. But that’s not the case in the Palmetto State. Data shows that unionized government workers in South Carolina make 4% less than their non-union counterparts.

Top 10 Reasons Medicaid Expansion is Bad Medicine for SC

Fast Facts · May 19, 2013

Medicaid expansion puts the truly vulnerable at greater risk. Expansion was "paid for" by cutting $716 billion from seniors' Medicare. And in states that have expanded Medicaid, costs are growing faster than revenue, siphoning resources away from education, infrastructure and public safety. It is also driving UP use of emergency rooms as there are proportionally fewer Medicaid providers to go around. Our handy summary lays out 10 key reasons why Medicaid expansion is "fool's gold" - not “free money” - as proponents say.