Tag Archive: agenda taxes

REPORT: Achieving Prosperity, Stability, & Fairness – Essential South Carolina Tax Reforms

Tax & Budget
Blog · January 6, 2025

Palmetto Promise Institute’s new research report Achieving Prosperity, Stability, & Fairness: Essential South Carolina Tax Reforms lays out the tax code changes that state legislators would be wise to prioritize in the 2025-26 legislative session. INTRODUCTION Palmetto Promise Institute has produced two major reports assessing the competitiveness and fairness of the South Carolina tax code (2014;

NATIONAL REVIEW: South Carolina Quietly Fixing Its Tax Problems. A blue state or two could learn from our example.

Tax & Budget
Blog · July 23, 2024

This op ed by Palmetto Promise Senior Fellow Dr. Oran Smith was originally published in the National Review, July 23, 2024. Because South Carolina wisely resisted total lockdown during Covid, coming out of the pandemic, we were in a good position. But on fiscal issues, state leaders had been content to kick the can down

Let’s Jumpstart Comprehensive Tax Reform

Tax & Budget
Blog · September 19, 2023

Since he was elected to the South Carolina Senate in 2012, Senator Sean Bennett has been a strong, steady voice for comprehensive tax reform. Bennett is known for taking to the well of the Senate and laying out his very specific concerns about how our current tax code is unfair, unstable and uncompetitive. Two of

The Rest of the Tax Cut Story

Tax & Budget
Blog · October 13, 2022

During its 2021-22 session, the South Carolina General Assembly passed a cut in the personal income tax rate. Whew! Finally, the highest marginal personal income tax rate in the South (7%), which has never been cut since its adoption in 1959, is headed for extinction. That’s great news. It was also good to see the