The Two Faces of Freedom

Blog · July 3, 2021

As we feel our “freedom from” under attack as perhaps never before, we must never forget the incredible power of “freedom for” to win hearts and change lives. Let’s resolve once more to live free…in every possible way.

Op-Ed: After COVID – 3 things that states can do now to fix health care

Blog · June 14, 2021

PPI visiting fellow Dr. Marcelo Hochman coauthored this op-ed in USA Today to discuss healthcare reform and repealing CON laws. Policymakers talk about comprehensive health care reform. They see a broken system and want to fix everything at once. Emergency room workers can relate, but they take a more strategic approach when patients arrive with multiple

Legislative Halftime: Palmetto Playbook Ideas Take Flight

Blog · June 4, 2021

In advance of the 2021-2022 legislative session, Palmetto Promise Institute “flooded the zone” with a number of practical policy ideas to make South Carolinians freer and more prosperous. We believed then—and now—that to “march the ball down the field” to economic recovery and long-term revitalization we must harness the entrepreneurial power of free enterprise and our people, not top-down government stimulus. Our ideas, collected in an attractive publication released during the last football season, was fittingly titled The Palmetto Playbook. Now, nearly