Failed nuclear project will raise customers’ power bills, Santee Cooper says

News · March 21, 2018

This article originally appeared in the The State on March 21, 2018. Santee Cooper said Wednesday that it expects its electric rates likely will rise 7 percent because of its failed nuclear project. A conservative think tank warned Tuesday that S.C. residents served by the state-owned utility could see their power bills soar almost 14

Santee Cooper electric rates will rise sharply because of nuclear project

News · March 20, 2018

This article originally appeared in the Post & Courier on March 20, 2018. Santee Cooper’s electric rates will rise sharply as the bills for its failed nuclear project come due, more than doubling the monthly payments its customers make into the unfinished reactors. That’s the finding of a new study of Santee Cooper’s future rates

Santee Cooper’s Uncertain Future

March 20, 2018

A Historical, Policy, and Financial Analysis of the South Carolina Public Service Authority This is the executive summary of a larger report. Download the full report here (49 pages). As the sheer magnitude of the V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3 nuclear abandonment, the largest financial disaster in South Carolina history, comes more into focus,

Breaking: Santee Cooper econometric analysis coming next week

Blog · March 13, 2018

On Tuesday, March 20, Palmetto Promise Institute will present its analysis of the current state and future prospects for Santee Cooper, the state-owned utility known officially as The South Carolina Public Service Authority. Palmetto Promise scholars and a specially-empaneled team of research economists will present its report “Santee Cooper’s Uncertain Future: A Historical, Policy and

The SCANA Energy Paradox

Blog · September 22, 2017

Most of the population of The Peach State has multiple choices for both natural gas and electricity. So why don't South Carolina residents also have multiple choices for power?

The Santee Cooper Prophesy

Blog · August 25, 2017

"It does not make either economic or political sense to continue with a regime that in the long term would benefit virtually no one.” That 22-year old prediction about Santee Cooper rings all too true as ratepayers pony up for the V.C. Summer nuclear debacle.