Letter: Some lawmakers want to gamble on Santee Cooper with other people’s money

Blog · December 13, 2020

S.C. Representative Bobby Cox cites a PPI study on Santee Cooper in this letter to the editor published in The Greenville News. Here in the Upstate we haven’t been affected overtly by the state agency’s failed nuclear project known as Santee Cooper. Yet our Lowcountry neighbors are paying crushing power bills as a result and

Remove the Blinders at EPA

Blog · November 20, 2020

One of the pillars of the Palmetto Promise Institute Freedom Agenda is Energy. We know that for free enterprise to flourish and jobs to be created, business and industry must have access to the most affordable energy available. This is particularly important in South Carolina, where utility bills are the highest in the country. Our

Lawmakers call for new leadership at state-owned utility Santee Cooper

Blog · November 17, 2020

PPI’s economic analysis of Santee Cooper is quoted in this article by Vivian Jones of Center Square. (The Center Square) – Two Republican lawmakers are calling for new leadership at Santee Cooper in response to the state-owned utility’s recent issuance of $638 million in debt, announced late last month. Earlier this year, the General Assembly

Santee Cooper Resource Center

November 2, 2020

July 31, 2017. That was the infamous day that investor-owned SCANA and state-owned Santee Cooper announced that they would abandon Units 2 and 3 of the VC Summer nuclear project in Fairfield County. SCANA had investors to bear the enormous debt left behind. Santee Cooper had only ratepayers to turn to. Since then, Palmetto Promise has

New Report: Santee Cooper Financial Analysis from PPI Economist

Blog · September 24, 2020

Download this report MEMORANDUM TO: State Leaders FROM: Kathleen Grace, PhD, Clemson Economics Associates DATE : September 24, 2020 SUBJECT: Independent Financial Analysis of Santee Cooper By way of introduction, I am Kathleen Grace, PhD. I earned my B.A. in Economics and Finance from Wofford College in 2006 and my PhD in Quantitative Economics from Clemson University

RELEASE: New Report Finds Santee Cooper at Mercy of Credit Market

News · September 24, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  September 24, 2020 Media Contact: Lawson Mansell Policy Content Manager (843) 694-1540 ​​lawson@palmettopromise.org New Analysis: Santee Cooper at Mercy of Credit Market Columbia, SC. (September 24, 2020) – A scholar with Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI), the most prolific publisher of independent analysis on Santee Cooper, today released a new report on the state agency. The study, written as a Memorandum to state leaders by Dr. Katie Grace of Clemson Economics