education woes go beyond single allendale district

Education is an "emergency" in Allendale...and across the state.
Education is an "emergency" in Allendale...and across the state.
Arbitrary government-mandated wage increases does not a rich person make.
Small businesses are the engine of economic growth in the Palmetto State. So, what's it like to be a small business in South Carolina?
Add Pennsylvania to the list of states which have substantively reformed their pension system. Will South Carolina follow the Keystone State’s lead? Though governor McMaster signed a pension “fix” into law this past session, the truth of the matter is that the pension system is unsustainable because of its structure as a defined-benefit model, not
If a competitor state were to devise a plan to cripple South Carolina’s ability to deliver quality healthcare, what might that scheme look like? Create barriers to entry and expansion in the healthcare market. Check. Limit healthcare consumer choice. Check. Stifle healthcare innovation. Check. Distort markets by thwarting competition. Check. Fail to control costs, improve
How big is the budget? What are South Carolina’s sources of revenue? Where does all this money go? Consider these charts.
There is good news for South Carolina’s only private school choice program.
Let's be clear: people's lives are at stake.
Palmetto Promise Institute is shaping the national debate on education. As part of a coalition of state and national policy leaders, PPI joined 12 other organizations in signing a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (read the official press release) urging the Trump Administration to respect the primary role of states when proposing any new
We all know the drill: whenever the government uses its clout to set prices, it invariably inflicts harm.