Voting Without A Vision

The latest on the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare
The latest on the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare
7 concerns about the U.S. Senate's Obamacare 'repeal and replacement' bill
After 7 years of decrying the very real failings of Obamacare, why can't Republicans get their “repeal and replace” act together?
If a competitor state were to devise a plan to cripple South Carolina’s ability to deliver quality healthcare, what might that scheme look like? Create barriers to entry and expansion in the healthcare market. Check. Limit healthcare consumer choice. Check. Stifle healthcare innovation. Check. Distort markets by thwarting competition. Check. Fail to control costs, improve
Let's be clear: people's lives are at stake.
We all know the drill: whenever the government uses its clout to set prices, it invariably inflicts harm.
Former SC Legislator explains federalism to The Beltway
It seems America is having to learn the hard way about the economic law of scarcity and why it matters in the politics of healthcare.
More people on the rolls...and an ever-growing budget line item
Euphoria from the right over the ideological “wins” in the bill and blanket criticism from the left are both premature.