The Power of Choice

Blog · January 30, 2014

“Not my son,” Marilyn calmly whispered as she listened to the local news regarding the deterioration of the neighborhood public schools. Though outwardly silent, she made a thunderous inner vow. Her son would acquire an education and break the cycle of housing projects, violence, broken homes, and hopelessness. It would end here.

Empowering Students: What They’re Saying

Blog · October 26, 2013

Yesterday was an exciting day as Palmetto Policy joined with partners from around the state to launch our new education options resource catalogue for SC parents!Empowering Students celebrates all forms of education choice in SC —charter, virtual, private and homeschool— and highlight real Palmetto State families that are happily using each of these options. We also provide an easy “one-stop-shop” of resource links for parents to learn more about each of these choices that we hope will be a help for families as they seek to make the best decision for their student! But we need your help. Please take a minute to enjoy these inspiring stories, and most importantly, help us SHARE it via email and social media with your friends and family.Empowering Students will only be as effective as the number of South Carolina parents who read it!

Education Leaders Unveil Online School Options Catalogue

October 25, 2013

NEWS RELEASE Education Leaders Unveil Online School Options Catalogue COLUMBIA, S.C. –South Carolina’s new policy action-engine, Palmetto Policy Forum, completed a statewide media tour today, launching a first-of-its-kind online education resource catalogue designed to equip South Carolina families with information about how to take advantage of the education options currently available in the Palmetto State.

Why does Milton Friedman matter?

Quality of Life
Blog · July 31, 2013

Widely regarded as the groundbreaking leader of the Chicago School of monetary economics, Milton Friedman led a long and storied career, receiving the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economic Science, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988 and the National Medal of Science the same year. But he is beloved because his academic brilliance was employed in the practical service of people. Friedman’s observance of the facts led him to a passionate belief that people truly free to choose their course in life without the heavy hand of undue government interference is the surest way forward to create hope and opportunity – a rising tide of prosperity – for all.

Top 10 Reasons Medicaid Expansion is Bad Medicine for SC

Fast Facts · May 19, 2013

Medicaid expansion puts the truly vulnerable at greater risk. Expansion was "paid for" by cutting $716 billion from seniors' Medicare. And in states that have expanded Medicaid, costs are growing faster than revenue, siphoning resources away from education, infrastructure and public safety. It is also driving UP use of emergency rooms as there are proportionally fewer Medicaid providers to go around. Our handy summary lays out 10 key reasons why Medicaid expansion is "fool's gold" - not “free money” - as proponents say.

Education Alert: Universal Pre-K…Spending for Success?

Blog · May 17, 2013

In short, “No.” President Obama’s push for massive federal spending on a universal pre-kindergarten program generated heated opposition over cost, government overreach and the questionable effectiveness of existing programs like Head Start. But now this debate has landed on our front step. The South Carolina State Senate is scheduled to vote early next week on