Fund Students, Fix Systems

Fast Facts · March 26, 2015

In the wake of the SC Supreme Court’s Abbeville decision, some claim that more money is the answer for SC’s education woes. We say the answer is real reforms that promote autonomy for families and school leaders, accountability for current spending and equity for students regardless of where they live. Fund Students, Fix Systems outlines a clear path to helping every child reach their full potential.

Empower Opportunity 2015

Blog · November 15, 2014

Finding the best education fit for your child can be a daunting task. In this catalog, you’ll read the stories of families just like yours who share their journey to find the perfect place for their child. You’ll also find links to resources to learn more about each option. Please take a minute to share this information with families you know. Knowledge is power, and working together, we can Empower Opportunity for students in every corner of the Palmetto State. And please take a minute to visit our dedicated Empower Opportunity website at

How Common Core Went Wrong

February 26, 2014

The advent of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has ignited a firestorm among parents, educators and policy makers. This paper attempts to cut through the haze with a much needed common sense conservative analysis. In it, we provide a thumbnail history of educational standards in America, how CCSS went wrong, and what South Carolina can do to maintain control of our standards and promote the rigorous accountability our students need to equip them for success in school and in life. A number of the solutions we list below are expanded upon in the document text

Transformation: What South Carolina Can Learn From Florida’s K-12 Reforms

February 26, 2013

Since the arrival of Steve Spurrier in Columbia, “Florida usually beats Carolina” has eventually become “the Gamecocks usually beat the Gators.” The reverse is true in K-12 education. In 1999, South Carolina students led Florida students in performance on a number of national educational tests, including NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress. But for 2003-2011, in combined Math and Reading NAEP scores, Florida was first with a 54 point improvement and South Carolina was last with a 44 point decline (page 7). Question: How did Florida leapfrog South Carolina in such a short period of time? Answer: transformation through comprehensive reform.