Medicaid Expansion Would Cost Us More

Medicaid expansion, particularly in South Carolina and other states that have opted against broadening the federal health insurance program, is shaping up to be a hot-button topic.
Medicaid expansion, particularly in South Carolina and other states that have opted against broadening the federal health insurance program, is shaping up to be a hot-button topic.
That is why the Right-to-Try movement is so important. For every person who lives thanks to alternatives found elsewhere, there are tens of thousands of others who can’t afford to seek experimental treatment. That’s not fair to the poor, to the disadvantaged or to anyone who just wants a chance. We all should have the freedom to try new treatments that may work.
Is Obamacare here to stay? That’s what it’s proponents would have you believe. But as too many American’s are learning firsthand, it’s still unworkable, unpopular and unaffordable.
“But there is opportunity here. Though this is the end of a single legal battle, Palmetto Promise Institute and freedom-loving people all over America will continue this fight in the Congress..."
If King v. Burwell provides them with the opportunity, Congress should heed the overwhelming desire of the American people and create a system that makes healthcare accessible and affordable for each individual American.
Today, Palmetto Promise Institute commended 43 members of the South Carolina House of Representatives for stating that they do not intend to create a state exchange should the U.S. Supreme Court overturns subsidies in the federal healthcare exchange in King v. Burwell court case currently pending before the Court. A Court ruling is expected mid-June.
Patients and taxpayers in our states are at the mercy of Congressional action to rein in abuse of 340B and restore the program’s original intent. Despite Congress’ long to-do list, this is one that should be a no-brainer. The time to act is now.
The US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it decides King v Burwell (and the companion case Halbig v. Burwell). As Obamacare turns five, here is what you need to know about the cases that could open the door to a much-needed reassessment of the currently broken federal healthcare scheme…and the alternative plan that could begin to put South Carolina patients back in charge.
Today the US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it hears King v Burwell. Not sure what the significance of this case is? Well, you're not alone. Here's what you need to know about the case that could radically alter Obamacare as we know it. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law in early 2010, there were many things we still didn’t know about the bill and its effect on everyday Americans. Now, with several years of experience under our belts, the truth has grown increasingly clear: far from living up to its name, it has become one more one-size-fits-all Washington boondoggle with a bungled website roll-out, lingering questions about consumer data privacy, rising insurance rates and many people losing the doctor they were promised that they could keep. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
A few weeks ago, I outlined how the policy areas of Immigration, Fiscal Policy and Poverty Assistance are integrally bound up in the larger healthcare debate. Today, we’ll examine three more. There are two indisputable facts on which everyone can agree: first, everybody will need medical care at some point. Second, the cost of medical treatment is astronomically high. A couple days of uninsured hospital care could easily saddle someone with a lifetime of debt. What many don’t realize however, is just how deeply entwined healthcare is with nearly every arena of public policy. Today, we’ll examine its impact on Agriculture, Education, and Federalism.