What Is South Carolina Hiding?

Tax & Budget
Blog · July 27, 2015

Making good policy decisions requires taking an honest look at our financial picture. And if we don’t look at long-term solutions to deal with our debt problem and uncompetitive tax code, that picture doesn’t look rosy.

King v. Burwell Ruling: SC Legislators Call for “Obamacare Off-Ramp”

June 1, 2015

Today, Palmetto Promise Institute commended 43 members of the South Carolina House of Representatives for stating that they do not intend to create a state exchange should the U.S. Supreme Court overturns subsidies in the federal healthcare exchange in King v. Burwell court case currently pending before the Court. A Court ruling is expected mid-June.

King v. Burwell: Obamacare Off-Ramp?

Blog · May 13, 2015

The US Supreme Court holds the future of Obamacare in its hands as it decides King v Burwell (and the companion case Halbig v. Burwell). As Obamacare turns five, here is what you need to know about the cases that could open the door to a much-needed reassessment of the currently broken federal healthcare scheme…and the alternative plan that could begin to put South Carolina patients back in charge.

Everyone’s Got A Crazy Uncle…

Tax & Budget
Blog · May 1, 2015

South Carolina’s Uncle Sam is very generous, supplying nearly 38% of our budget, but he is also unstable. The federal debt as of today (May 1) at noon stands at approximately $18.21 trillion, and every year the debt grows larger. What if Uncle Sam goes unhinged? Wouldn’t it be sound financial policy for the state to have a plan for the sudden absence of our crazy uncle?